
Software developer, discovering new technologies while tackling new challenges. GitHub LinkedIn

  • Programmer Questionnaire

    Programmer Questionnaire

  • Good Habits

    12 Engineer Habits

  • Pomodoro

  • Speed Up Slow Requests

    What to do when your server responses are slowing down?

  • Stubbing out your test suite

    Write tests with maximum coverage, feel confident when they pass, and not wait 10 minutes every time they run! Woohoo!
  • Artists You May Like

    Because you like “Hans Zimmer”, you may also like “Harry Gregson-Williams.” How did you know that Spotify??

  • My Favorite Algorithm

    Merge Sort. It has a few fun challenges that make for a wonderful and elegant sorting algorithm. And O(nlogn) time! Goosebumps.

  • Past Projects

    A few old projects I will remain proud of until I die.